Monday, June 30, 2014

Talon 2

Hey all, I'm hard at work on The Windwalker Archive Book 2, (Can't you tell) which I affectionately call Talon 2. I've gotten a flood of great reviews for Whill 1 since the crazy freebie sponsored by BookBub. I wanted to take a moment to say welcome to all the new subscribers and Thank You to those who have left reviews. It tells me that all the long, lonely hours are worth it, that someone is listening, and for that I am grateful. To think that I put a smile on someone's face, or helped them forget their worries for a few hours makes me happier than I can express. I have been blessed with the best readers in the world. You make it all worth it.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Great start to summer!

Great Start to Summer!

After a long, long winter up here in Northern NY, the summer is kicking off to a great start. BookBub picked up Whill of Agora Book 1 for a free giveaway promotion from June 24th - June 29th, (if you don't have it yet, you can pick it up for free here, or tell all your friends). On Tuesday Whill of Agora got over 19,000 downloads! I am now 3 days into the promotion and we are over 23,000 free downloads. Thanks BookBub.
 Today I got a call from Stacey from Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP, the company I self-publish through) and she wanted to know if I would be interested in an interview, and supplying them with a quote for their landing page (the page people go to when they look up KDP). She said that they were setting up a new landing page and reaching out to successful self published authors to talk about their experience.
 I then received an email from Bookbub, saying that they had accepted my middle grade book, Billy Coatbutton and the Wheel of Destiny, for a free promotion on July 23-July 27! I have submitted that book to them before, but they turned me down the first time. I'm really excited about this one, little Billy really hasn't gotten his chance to shine yet.
On another note, I'm almost done the first draft for Talon 2. It will likely be released around September. Also, the first book in my new urban fantasy series, The Orion Rezner Chronicles, is going through the first wash as we speak. I can't wait for you all to read that one. Its a lot different writing in the first person, but I love it. And it is set in THIS world! I can use references people understand, pop culture, and don't have to say Shyte and Arse, (It's not a YA book.)
 I hope you are all having a great summer. Let the grillin-n-chillin begin!